Welcome to

The Beach Life Gallery &
Bethany Fine Arts

If you have ever stood in awe of the beauty of the breaking waves or the colors of the sky or the expanse of an osprey’s wings, then you will feel that again when you enter this Gallery.

Beautiful Places are found everywhere. A trained eye and artistic hand combine to create images that delight the senses and bring comfort to the soul.

I hope you enjoy these images as much as I have enjoyed making them.  If you would like to purchase any of my images, please contact Hope at 302-542-1639. 

Thank you,

Michael Orhelein

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Contact Info

Address100 Garfield Parkway #4
PO Box 1481
Bethany Beach, DE 19930
United States
Daytime phone302-542-1639
Evening phone302-542-1639
Mobile phone3025421639
send message
Web sitevisit website
Welcome to Bethany Fine Arts & The Beach Life Gallery. You may order Fine Art Land and Seascapes by calling 302-542-1639 or you may simply enjoy these images, or portraiture in our many other galleries. For Family Beach Portraits or Pet Photography ~ Please contact Michael to arrange your families portrait 302-539-0102

Please review our fine portrait work at www.opbeach.com
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